The guess command is the command used to play the word guessing game. If you are not currently in a game, by itself !guess starts a new game. If you are in a game, by itself !guess tells you your current score and status in your game. When you are in a game, !guess with a letter guesses that letter. To see a top ten list use the !top10 command.
Syntax: !guess [letter]
OvEn ToAsT (12:19:30 AM): !guess
toasts aim bot 0 (12:19:31 AM): The last word you were guessing was QUITTING, your total GuessWords score is 120. A new game will begin shortly.
toasts aim bot 0 (12:19:44 AM): Your word is ********. You have 8 more guess(es).
OvEn ToAsT (12:20:57 AM): !guess e
toasts aim bot 0 (12:21:03 AM): Your word is E*******. You have 8 more guess(es).